About my bowls

Crystal Singing Bowls:

Crystal singing bowls, also known as quartz singing bowls or glass singing bowls, are made of pure quartz (99.8% silicon quartz) and sand. They are created through a process that involves heating the mixture to about 4000 degrees.

These bowls come in various sizes (ranging from 5 to 24 inches) and can be clear or frosted.

Each crystal singing bowl is tuned to a specific sound that resonates with a particular chakra.

Knowledgeable people claim that the halfway notes of crystal singing bowls have a special harmonizing effect on various endocrine glands: C# – sexual glands, D# – adrenals, F# – thymus, G# – thyroid, G# – pineal

Crystal singing bowls are fascinating instruments used in sound healing and meditation.

My F# crystal bowl is made out of Citrine and Kyanite. (Clearing negative energy)

F# Crystal Singing Bowl and Chakras:

When used regularly in meditation, it can help balance love energies, both physical and spiritual, and promote feelings of unconditional love and forgiveness2.

Heart Chakra Healing:

“Note F Crystal Singing Bowl” (without the sharp) is linked to the Heart Chakra.

Regular use during Heart Chakra Healing Meditation can aid in creating more unconditional love, releasing unforgiveness, and fostering acceptance in life.

The F# crystal singing bowls resonate with the High Heart Chakra, inspiring love, forgiveness, and a deeper connection to feelings.

My G#-5 bowl is made from Androgynous Indium

G Bowls are used for the 5th or Throat Chakra, located on the throat, and is the chakra associated with Communication, Speech, Social Abilities Verbal and Emotional Expression and the Creative Arts associated with such. Expressions from the ‘heart” speaking our truth and manifesting our expression of it. When balanced this center helps collect the puranic energy needed to purify and invigorate the physical body

Related Body Areas and Organs are Lungs, Throat, Bronchial and Voice.

My C# bowl is made from Charcoal (Purification) and is also connected to the root chakra and is known as the OM or the sexual Chakra located between the base and the sacral chakra.

C note Bowls are used for the 1st or Root Chakra located at the base of the spine. This chakra is associated with the powerful Kundalini force which is a fire energy of the most potent nature. Life Energy, Physical Activity, Emotional Strength, Will Power and Sexuality. Related Body Areas and Organs of the 1st chakra are Joints, Muscles, Heart, Blood and the nervous system.

Color: red. Use C note bowls when power and awareness is needed. grounding connecting to mother earth, anchoring higher frequencies

My A+15 bowl is made from Pink Gold, Platinum and is called St. Germain Sky.  (Ascended Teaching)

A# The Pituitary gland:

This center regulates light and radiation, when fully activated will rejuvenate the entire physical body.

A Bowls are used for the 6th or Third Eye or brow chakra this is the all-seeing chakra, located between and slightly above the eyes. here is where our insight, seeing and psychic abilities are located.

The center for intuition, understanding and intellect draw in and store the higher light frequencies, it corresponds to Intuition, Vision, Artistic and Creative Thoughts. The related Body Areas and Organs are the Eyes, Nervous System, Brain and Forehead.

Color: purple. Use A note bowls to develop seeing and higher wisdom.

My E+10 bowl is made from Sedona Red Rock & Quartz (Rapid Transformation)

E Bowls are used for the 3rd or Solar Plexus Chakra, located near the diaphragm governs protection also known as the center of self-esteem, and is seen as the seat of the ego and personal power, Creative and Intellectual Thoughts. Related Body Areas and Organs are Stomach, Solar Plexus, and Liver.

As this center begins to activate all needs for manipulation or control of one’s reality is transmuted, an inner sense of safety is experienced. a strong solar plexus chakra can be critical for healing in all the other chakras

Color: Yellow. Use E note bowls for all psychic and intuitive work and the purification of negative emotions.

Science and Healing Properties:

The healing properties of crystal singing bowls are a blend of vibrational physics, ancient wisdom, and modern sound therapy.

These bowls have the potential to promote relaxation, balance energy centers, and aid in cellular healing.

Whether you’re drawn to their metaphysical significance or simply enjoy their soothing sounds, crystal bowls offer a unique healing experience!